Noah’s diary is one of my favourites films, and I watched this film for the tenth time in a summer night I want to talk about the story.I think that is a beauty film, always I cry with the story and my friends too. The film is about a young girl her name is Ali and her family is rich. And a young boy called Noah that lives with his father and they are poor.They fallin love and they start to be summer dating. But when the summer finish they must to break, because Ali’s mum doesn’t want that they are together, because she doesn’t like that her daughter is dating with a guy with no future.They have a very hard and cry a lot. And Noah write letters to Ali every day of the year, but Ali’s mum doesn’t give Ali the letters.And they lose the relationship in winter. Between them only is the memories remain and the promise that he made Noah to Ali, that is, renovated and painted white and blue their future home Ali speaks with Noah, watch the new house and they have dinner together.And the next day, Ali come to the house and Noah and Ali lie down together and they revive the love one more time. Ali decides to leave her fiance to go live with Noah. Because she knows that se will be more happy with Noah.