Hello! I'm Elena and I will go to talk about my travel.
In my school, the ESO students do exchanges to diferents cities of Europe. This year my class went to France
The exchange is: one spanish student foto to a french stundent's house when we are in France. And when they come to Spain the french student sleep in spanish student's house. This relacion taje the name of correspondent.
My correspondent is a girl, like me, her name is Emma Cherrier and is 14. In personality we are not enough similar because I'm a outgoing girl and I love go out with a lot of people, takes photos with my friends, etc...
And Emma normally prefers stay in home and go out with a little group of people.
She is funny and we enjoy so much when we are together.
The first day when I arrived to Emma's house she treated me very well. The second day, my class went to visited Douville and Trouville without our correspondents. Other day we knew the school. Also, one day all the people, spanish and french students, went to the 'Mont Saint Michel' and the final day my class went to Paris and we saw the 'Torre Eifel'. Is very beautiful
I learn a lot of french and I know a lot of specials persons for me. I did a lot of friends.
The final day y cried a lot when the french and spanish students sayed goodbye.
My class and me did a 'book' that we must to write about where we go, we must to write about the family of our correspondent and about our correspondent, etc...
My personal opinion about this travel is that, is very good to travel to diferents countries and know diferents cultures. And I want to repeat this travel and go to France again.