If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you can dream  it, you can do it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


In this past month of may, all my class do a exchange with Germany.
And now I want to tell you some things about that.

The exchange consist in that two classes of schools from differents countries are in touch, and each student is assigned to a correspondent from the other class. And the class travel to the school of other countrie for a week, and each student lives in the house of his/her correspondent. And do activities with the school, for learn the language, the culture.. etc.

On this occasion our class went to Berlin.
We did a lot of activities, for example we visited the school one day, also we went to Berlin center and we did an activity for know all the importants things of the town, another day we visited an assembly center (Sachsenhausen's assembly center), as well we went to a similar place like amusement park, but without attractions, I didn't like a lot this place, but finally we went to a 4D cinema and then we saw a show very hallucinatory.

My favorite Berlin's place I think is the Berlin's wall, because it has a very long story and also, I thing that the wall is beatiful, colouring, original and diferent.

And obviously, I have to talk about mi correspondets house and family. The house was great, with a good decoration but a little beat small, but I liked very much the house! The family is a very little family comprising for Kim (my correspondant), her dad and her mom. The parents were very good with me, but really, I was in the house a very short time, so I didn't speak a lot with they. I would have liked speak more with they, but Kim had anothers plans.

Well dears, in summary the time in Berlin was very very good, I enjoyed and I laughed much, and obviously, I know news places and news cultures. 
I hope to come back... I'M IN LOVE WITH BERLIN!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Germany Exchange!

Hey! Today I want to talk about the exchange with a german school.

Generally, the exchange was very good.
 My german girl is a wonderful girl, she is very funny and crazy like me! Her name is Kim.
When they come to Spain, we went a lot to Valencia's center. For example, we went to a 'mascletá', also we went to the 'Oceanografico', to 'Colón' for shopping, etc...
We enjoy very much, was excelent and the time was perfect, with good temperatures and sun.
All the afternoons we went out with my classmates and everyday we did diferents things.
Even, a afternoon all the class met together. 
A bad thing about the exchange is that we couldn't go to the airport to say goodbye to our germans friends. And another thing is taht wen Kim cames, she didn't eat a good paella, only in the school. I forgot it! 
 Excluding that was genial.