This is a project that we have to write about our perfect house.
At the picture is my work, I hope you like it!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Girls afternoon
The day 4 of July, some girls of my class and me, met. Firts we went to the Yelmo's cines and we see The fault in our stars in spanish 'Bajo la misma estrella'.
I think that is the best film of the world, I love it!
All the girls of the room were crying and crying and also some boys.
After ther film we went to had dinner together, some girls ate pizza and the other girls ate chips.
Later we went to 'party' and we enjoy a lot. Was a perfect afternoon, I want to repeat!
I think that is the best film of the world, I love it!
All the girls of the room were crying and crying and also some boys.
After ther film we went to had dinner together, some girls ate pizza and the other girls ate chips.
Later we went to 'party' and we enjoy a lot. Was a perfect afternoon, I want to repeat!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The 2 of August I went to Oropesa. In Oropesa also I go to the beach and to the swimming pool.
One day I went to the cinema and I saw 'Begin again', other day I went to a shopping center and I bought clothes.
All the nights I went out wih my Oropesa's fiends and all the week ends I went to parties.
One day I went to Acuarama with Angela and with Tania (one of my friends of Oropesa ), that day was perfect because at the night Tania, Angela and me saw a film and then we slept together.
The day 14 was the party of my urbanization, in the party we has mechanical bull, bouncy castles, snack and discomovil all the night.
One week end I went to Canet to visit my friends and to saw my mother, Anto and my brother.
Then, I enjoyed of my last 10 days in Oropesa with my dad, with Montse, with my sister and with my friends.
The day 28 I went to Angela's apartament, this in Moncofar, and I laughed a lot and I met her friends.
This is a a short summary about the month of August!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
The fault in our stars
The fault in our stars is one of my favorites films. Is a love story about a gir calle Hazel and a boy called Gus.Hazel and Gus are two teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them on a journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous given that Hazel's other constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gus jokes about his prosthetic leg, and they met and fell in love at a cancer support group.
The director is Josh Boone.Shailene Woodley is Hazel and Ansel Elgort is Gus.
My personal opinion is that, I love the book and the film. In my opinion is very beautiful, I cryed a lot, but I like very much. The love story is diferent to the rest and the final is unexpected.I RECOMENDED THE FILM TO EVERYBODY.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
This month was perfect! The days 1 and 2 of July I went to Portaventura with Julia. I enjoyed a lot, we got 6 times in the 'Dragon khan' and 7 times in the 'Sambhala'. Sambhala is my favorite atraccion, is great. Our hotel was in the Far West, the hotel was very very good!
One week end I went to Julia's house and I stayed in the CaƱada. And de rest of the month I stayed in Canet. For me Canet is like a paradise.
In Canet I enjoyed a lot, I went to the beach and to the swimming pool all the days.
I know a lot of news persons. Also, my cousins come to Canet for a week and we was togheter all the days.
3 days other of my friends of Paterna, Laura, come to Canet. And the rest of the month I enjoyed the summer with my friends of Canet and with my mother's family.
One week end I went to Julia's house and I stayed in the CaƱada. And de rest of the month I stayed in Canet. For me Canet is like a paradise.
In Canet I enjoyed a lot, I went to the beach and to the swimming pool all the days.
I know a lot of news persons. Also, my cousins come to Canet for a week and we was togheter all the days.
3 days other of my friends of Paterna, Laura, come to Canet. And the rest of the month I enjoyed the summer with my friends of Canet and with my mother's family.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
MEANING: Double date a date that go two couples. For example, is like I meet for dinner with my boyfriend and also, we meet with Maria and her boyfriend and go together.
ORIGIN: Is a modern tradicion that started in the end of the XX. In America is more popular than in Spain. Normally is so funny!

Sunday, April 27, 2014
In Spain ♥
Hello! I explaned what is a interchange and also, I tell my experience in France. Now I will go to tell when french students come to Spain.
They came the 1 of April, and we are very happy. The first afternoon Julia, Maria and Angela with theirs corresponsals came to my house. The second afternoon all the class went to Valencia centre.
Other day, some girls and some boys dinner together. Others nights we went to partys.
While at the mornings, we went to the school. 2 days we stayed in the school and we did Spanish lenguage, sport, flamenco's class, plastic... Other day with the school we went to the Valencia's oceanographic, other day we went to Valencia and we searched a treasure and french students know Valencia's city.
The final day in the airport, a lot of spanis and frenchs students cryed a lot, because we had much affection.
I will never forget these people and I will never forget this week because was a perfect week!♥

Thursday, March 20, 2014
Hello! I'm Elena and I will go to talk about my travel.
In my school, the ESO students do exchanges to diferents cities of Europe. This year my class went to France
The exchange is: one spanish student foto to a french stundent's house when we are in France. And when they come to Spain the french student sleep in spanish student's house. This relacion taje the name of correspondent.
My correspondent is a girl, like me, her name is Emma Cherrier and is 14. In personality we are not enough similar because I'm a outgoing girl and I love go out with a lot of people, takes photos with my friends, etc...
And Emma normally prefers stay in home and go out with a little group of people.
She is funny and we enjoy so much when we are together.
The first day when I arrived to Emma's house she treated me very well. The second day, my class went to visited Douville and Trouville without our correspondents. Other day we knew the school. Also, one day all the people, spanish and french students, went to the 'Mont Saint Michel' and the final day my class went to Paris and we saw the 'Torre Eifel'. Is very beautiful
I learn a lot of french and I know a lot of specials persons for me. I did a lot of friends.
The final day y cried a lot when the french and spanish students sayed goodbye.
My class and me did a 'book' that we must to write about where we go, we must to write about the family of our correspondent and about our correspondent, etc...
My personal opinion about this travel is that, is very good to travel to diferents countries and know diferents cultures. And I want to repeat this travel and go to France again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
New Year's Eve
In the afternoon I prepared me and I went to my aunts house with my dad, with my sister and with Montse.
We were speaking with my family and late we dinner.
I dined more or less the same that Christmas Eve and one more time I ate a lot. And when we ate the grapes I laughed very much! Then my family and me, wached a little bit the TV.
After midnight I went to Juana’s house, there were all the girls of my class. I stay with they and we dance, we speak and we enjoyed a lot. I slept in Juana's house, we went to bed very late and we slept 3 hours!
We laughed a lot, I never imagine that we would join all. I was very happy.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Christmas Eve
In the afternoon I prepared all for the night. I helped to my mum to prepare the food for the night, for example, we did a cake. Late, I ondulated my hair, I dressed me, I maked me up, etc… I wearing a black and beauty dress.
When my family arrived at my grandmother’s house, we prepared the table and we dinner. The food was lovely! And I ate a lot. Late, I played with my cousins, but soon my brother slept in the sofa and my family went to my house.
The next morning ‘Papa Noel’ left us gifts, my brother and mi sister were very happy. ‘Papa Noel’ gave me money for a camera that I’m saving.
After we did the bags and we went to Murcia.
There, I was with my cousins Alba and Esther and I enjoyed a lot with they.
¡Happy Christmas Eve!
bibliography: - A page of recipes of cakes- My head- Who is Santa Claus?-Origin Chrismas Eve
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