The 2 of August I went to Oropesa. In Oropesa also I go to the beach and to the swimming pool.
One day I went to the cinema and I saw 'Begin again', other day I went to a shopping center and I bought clothes.
All the nights I went out wih my Oropesa's fiends and all the week ends I went to parties.
One day I went to Acuarama with Angela and with Tania (one of my friends of Oropesa ), that day was perfect because at the night Tania, Angela and me saw a film and then we slept together.
The day 14 was the party of my urbanization, in the party we has mechanical bull, bouncy castles, snack and discomovil all the night.
One week end I went to Canet to visit my friends and to saw my mother, Anto and my brother.
Then, I enjoyed of my last 10 days in Oropesa with my dad, with Montse, with my sister and with my friends.
The day 28 I went to Angela's apartament, this in Moncofar, and I laughed a lot and I met her friends.
This is a a short summary about the month of August!

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