Generally, the exchange was very good.
My german girl is a wonderful girl, she is very funny and crazy like me! Her name is Kim.
When they come to Spain, we went a lot to Valencia's center. For example, we went to a 'mascletá', also we went to the 'Oceanografico', to 'Colón' for shopping, etc...
We enjoy very much, was excelent and the time was perfect, with good temperatures and sun.
All the afternoons we went out with my classmates and everyday we did diferents things.
Even, a afternoon all the class met together.
A bad thing about the exchange is that we couldn't go to the airport to say goodbye to our germans friends. And another thing is taht wen Kim cames, she didn't eat a good paella, only in the school. I forgot it!
Excluding that was genial.
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