If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you can dream  it, you can do it.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

my horror history: ALFRED

That day had thought visit to my father. But call me that new boy in the school to meet.
He doesn´t know anyone in the city, so he want to be my friend, was strange, but is handosme and he look at me on in the days of school. We had meet to have dinner, he take me to a place, it was a surprise. By the way, my name is Mary and I am16 years old, I have green eyes and red hair, I am of average height and I'm pretty thin.
I have a best friend, his name is Jeena and she was the only person I've told that this afternoon I meet with Alfred, and was the only person I've told you this afternoon I stayed with Alfred, because he asked me not to tell anyone.
-It will be like a secret- he said, as if it were life and death. I did not know myself that afternoon, after emptying the entire closet, finished with the always, a basic white t-sirt and with a jacket of my sister.
When I got to the restaurant he was already there. I felt very nervous because he did not touch the plate. We got into his car and took me to a site that did not know, away from the city, on the pretext of showing me the stars.That night was cold and more on that mountain where no cars passed. Alfred looked at me and laughed as shivering
-Do you want my jaket?
 –Okey-I said
-It's in the car, in the driver's seat. Do not open the trunk, is very messy.
I went to take the jacket and saw that the boot just came out a kind of cloth.
I opened it to separate it as it was caught. And there I saw a briefcase and a jacket.
I was surprised to say that the trunk was messy because there was nothing else, so I opened the briefcase. The gloves and had a knife. Then I got scared and closed the trunk. But when I turned around Alfred was right behind me and while laughing said to me:
-I thought later kill Mary. But you left me no choice.
Then he pushed me against the car and fell to the ground. I woke up dizzy, but I opened the trunk and cushions the briefcase.
Before I could think of nothing he headed to me with his handkerchief. He started to strangle me, I tried to wrestle with his hands. I noticed that there was no air, threw the briefcase  to his head.
He fell to the ground in pain. The blow caused it to open the briefcase and shot out the knife. I went to the, like Alfred, who crawled faster than I thought and before I reached it. But forces pulled nose of where and I pushed so hard she fell off the cliff.

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